Artillery Concern

Artillery Concern

Artillery Concern is the brainchild of Gabriel Martins and Mei Tan, good friends, native New Yorkers and outerwear enthusiasts.  

Gabe's obsession with clothing and style began in the NYC skate and rave scenes of the 90’s.  He always loved the idea of a garment that is both the centerpiece of the outfit, and also performs a useful function; in this case protecting the wearer from the elements. In 2010, after years of collecting jackets he gave in to the creative urge and started designing his own. For three years he sketched out designs, and collected materials.  Mei has ten years of experience in Product Development in the fashion industry.  She's a hands-on natural creative, who genuinely enjoys the process of creating a garment, from inception to completion.  They met in 2013, and found that they  had shared qualities of creativity, exacting standards, and a love of making things, and making them well.  With Gabe's designs and Mei's expertise and professional connections, ideas on paper became wearable art.

Artillery Concern jackets are made to order, in New York City with special emphasis on premium materials, masterful construction, attention to detail, and impeccable fit. The result is a truly unique product of peerless quality. 

For more information on Artillery Concern, click here